Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Food for Thought: The measure of success

After you've finished reading the first story in the English workbook, "Nobody Stops to Say Thank You Anymore," I'd like you to watch a very short film on youtube video.

Then answer the following questions:
1. How do you think people value family these days?
2. How would you show you value your parents 10 years from now?
3. In what way can you say "Thank You" to your parents now?

Blog the answers as task#3 and title it, "I stop to say Thank you (the person you want to thank)."

Click on this link to watch Rich son Poor son

Keep writing. Keep blogging. Keep up. Keep on.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Introducing Daily Dose of English

Then go to English phrases with "cat"
This is good for building vocabulary.
Follow it on youtube and learn.

See you!

Keep writing. Keep blogging. Keep up. Keep on.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Reading Strategies

Hi! In class, we've talked about reading strategies and the ways by which you have been applying or will be applying these to your own reading experience. Because you are now in college, you are expected to increase your reading time as the academe demands this from you. How you will succeed depends on your determination to really put to heart what you have learned here.

Allow me to share with you some Reading Comprehension Tips and Speed Reading Strategies. Some of the points discussed here have also been discussed in class but it would be good to re-read them so you'd likely to remember the tips that will aid you in your academic success.

You may also check the list on METACOGNITIVE BEHAVIORS OF GOOD AND POOR READERS and see which one are you.

Well, I hope you have set a goal for yourself as the first semester opens. By now, you should start looking for a good book to read. I might ask you to read a book soon and then share in class what you've read about.

Keep writing. Keep blogging. Keep up. Keep on.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Welcome English 1 Students to the First Semester of SY 2011-2012

Welcome freshmen students to MSU IIT. Welcome to my English class and to blogging.

For some of you, blogging could be an entirely new experience. It may take awhile for you to get used to it or accept it as part of your life, at least for this semester.

So what exactly is blogging? Cambridge online dictionary defines it as a diary where one regularly records one's thoughts, opinions and experiences on the internet for other people to read. In the online computer  glossary of terms, a blog, also called a web blog, is a person's journal on the web. "Blogging" means an activity of updating one's blog and the person who does this is called a "blogger".

So how did blogging begin? One blogger shared the history of blogging which could be highly technical and full of IT terms most average internet users wouldn't understand or even care.  The idea of blogging evolved naturally as people sought each other's thoughts, opinions and feelings. More and more average users caught up with the idea as the need to communicate and get connected with people builds up each day. Its origin cannot be solely claimed by anyone. Brilliant people have since innovate on existing internet tools and so the options and opportunities to be a voice and listen to voices out there continue to increase.

So what does one get out of blogging? The question, of course, is rarely raised by most bloggers who have thankfully found a new way to pen their thoughts down and share their ideas on anything from cooking the best pasta to being a mom of three kids. But if you are seriously asking the question, here are a few benefits shared online by www.a1technology:

1.   Real time discussionThe information that we get from blogs is usually week’s ahead of the press releases and newspapers because bloggers keep looking for new development areas to publish i.e. something which is very new. Discussions and interactions happen on the spot. So there is no delay of information sharing. Blogs act as Real time Forums and one may find answers to one’s queries with a fraction of a second.
2.       Back LinksThrough blogging, you can find number of business partners together because people having different interests and thoughts are closely knit with each other.
3.       Regular readership: Blogging helps in gaining regular readership traffic. If a visitor comes to your blog and he likes the stuff, he can permanently subscribe the blog through RSS feeds.
4.       Boost Traffic: Blogs and RSS feeds can make excellent positive change in your web traffic. By adding new content to your site on a regular basis, you ensure that search engine’s spider crawls your site more often. Consistent updating the rich content matter of a keyword chosen by you gives you an added lead also by increasing the number of search terms or keywords that regularly show up in search results. 
5.       Research tool: Blogging is a very powerful tool to collect and aggregate research work, assignment information as well as a powerful means to gather and search the information collected by worldwide researchers. This phenomenon is known as Syndications and RSS is derived from this feature.
6.       Cheap Marketing: By Blogging you can raise your website profile and increase visits to your site. Like we are doing atwww.offshoreoutsourcingworld.com 
7.       Easy Web Publishing Solution: Blog Softwares are easy to use. Updating the weblog is a faster process than seeking a web designer for various changes or managing the coding part and uploading it yourself.  
8.       Blogs as intranet: Blogs, in an intranet environment, can be an excellent way of sharing knowledge within the organization. You can have secure folders in which you can assign different access rights to different users of blog as per your requirement. You need to get yourself build on an application as to share your resources.
9.       Blogs as CMS: Blogs are best content management systems. You can upload videos files, photos, word documents, pdf files, anything you want to store. Navigation system of blogs is very strong as everything is categorized and for every entry there is a permanent link , every entry can be named with a keyword and in built search feature in blogs has made it simply cool to look for any records.


Keep writing. Keep blogging. Keep up. Keep on.