1. Deadline for final term paper is at 4:00 p.m. on Friday March 19, 2010.
2. Last acceptance of Drafts based on graded outline is on March 18, 2010 not later than 10:00 a.m.
3. There will be meetings in class this week and next week.
4. For graduating students, indicate graduating on your outline, draft and term paper. Submit final
term paper this Wednesday, March 17, 2010 not later than 10:00 am.
5. No graded outline by March 18 means NO chance for submission of draft or term paper.
6. Only drafts based on graded outline will be accepted.
7. Drafts submitted on March 19, 2010 will be considered as final paper.
8. Final paper should be stapled once on the upper left corner and submitted along
with the outline/s, notes and draft all enclosed in the color coded envelope.
9. Format for term paper:
a. Margin is 1.5” on the left and 1.0” on all other sides.
b. Title page (follow format shown in the workbook)
c. Outline
d. Introduction (bold, center; paragraphs justified)
e. Body (separate page, bold and center; paragraphs justified)
f. Conclusion (separate page, bold and center; paragraphs justified)
g. References (follow APA Format)
h. Loose page
10. Final paper is rated using the following criteria:
a. organization (coherence, clarity of writing, unity, etc.) - 20
b. technicalities (punctuations, format and referencing) - 20
c. grammar and spelling - 20
d. completeness - 20
e. depth and originality – 20
11. Defense is on Monday-Wednesday next week
12. Those who cannot submit a paper should take a removal exam on March 25, 2010
at 9-10:30 a.m. Verification of grades will be on the 30th.
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Keep up. Keep on.